35th Reunions Class Photo available HERE


President's Message

Greetings, ’83 Nation! Welcome to our website! It’s easy to navigate, with much of the same functionality and more up-to-date class information.

PLEASE LOG IN with your TigerNet ID, and PLEASE Bookmark this site.


Paid directly to the Class of 1983, class dues pay for an annual subscription to the Princeton Alumni Weekly, help sponsor class events and cover expenses generated by class mailings, website management, etc. Unlike Reunions fees, class dues are tax-deductible.* Annual dues are $50. We also offer three Hyperactive Dues options ($83, $183 and $583) for those who are able to contribute more, as well as a $50 "basic dues" category.

Annual Giving

Gifts to Annual Giving are unrestricted and have immediate impact. Annual Giving empowers the University's debt-free financial aid policy, supports excellence in teaching and research, and funds emerging opportunities for learning and discovery. When we make a gift to Princeton, we pay it forward to benefit future generations of Princeton students. Please join us in being a steward for this amazing institution we all share!!!

Bill Plonk ’83 Completes American Hiking’s Triple Crown

The Trailblazer: One Man’s Journey to Achieve the Triple Crown of Hiking
By Caroline Benner ’98

(Published in the PAW Reunions Guide, May/June 2018)

Reunions Class Photo

Order your 35th Reunion Class Photo HERE
Reunions PAW Issue

35th Reunion

The Great Princeton Class of 1983 celebrated our 35th Reunion from May 31 - June 3, 2018. We had a fantastic turn-out of over 550!!!

First class entertainment lined up included the always popular Right On Band and introducing for their Princeton Reunions debut: Black Sea Salsa featuring our own DAN TEAGER '83!

Go to the Reunions menu for registration information!